A predator is hunting you.

It is in every way your superior;
Long claws where you have fingers, sharps fangs and a tough hide to compare to your soft flesh.

It knows you habits, and your schedule.

It knows your fears.

It has been trailing you for 3 weeks now.
It doesn’t even know why it follows you, what made it choose you as it’s next victim.

All it knows is the hunt. All it desires is your death.

Two weeks ago you spotted it for an instant, a shadow you dismissed in alley.
You convinced yourself it was a trick of the eye.

It wasn’t

It waits even now. Learning as much as it can.
It will probably strike under the cover of night, but even that is not guaranteed.

All that is certain is that it stalks you with everything it has, and it is better than you in every way.


© Jason Hollins 2017