Godot Tutorial: Parallax Backgrounds

  1. Start by adding a new Parallax Background Node under your root node for the level.

2. Add a child node to the Parallax Background node, this will be a parallax layer.

3. Add a child node to the Parallax Layer Node, this will be a sprite node.

In The Sprite properties (inspector) Add your background layer (The sky layer, usually just a flat color, this layer will be static)

4. Go back to the Parallax Background node and repeat the process, add a new parallax layer, then a sprite, the sprite texture on this will be the far background, the texture that you want to move the least. Usually this is buildings or mountains depending on your scene.

On this parallax layer, in the inspector, under motion, change the motion scale number on the x axis. This will be the slowest moving layer so it usually works well at 0.3 or 0.2

Now just keep repeating the process with however many layers you have in your parallax, increasing the x scale for each one, as objects that are closer to the player should move faster.

Sidenote: Make sure your parallax layer images are the same size as your game display resolution and that all images besides the flat background have transparency.

I hope this helps people with setting up awesome parallax backgrounds in their games.